
A Day in the Life of a COVID-19 Hero: Dr. Sherjeel Yaqoob

Dr. Sherjeel Yaqoob of Coney Island, New York says he would like to dispel the myth that gargling with warm water or taking hot baths will prevent a COVID-19 infection.

Dr. Sherjeel Yaqoob of Coney Island, New York says he would like to dispel the myth that gargling with warm water or taking hot baths will prevent a COVID-19 infection.

Name: Dr. Sherjeel Yaqoob

Occupation: Medical doctor interning with a nephrologist 

Workplace: Nephrology clinic, Coney Island

Describe a typical day at work during the COVID-19 crisis: 

“A typical day consists of handling the hoard of potential sick patients while handling older patients. This clinic’s patient normally has multiple issues that needs close managing.”

The moment I realized COVID-19 was a deadly pandemic was when:

“The dialysis unit we were managing started to overflow with patients. It was worrisome when we ran out of units for patients.”

The scariest/toughest part about being a doctor right now:

“Making sure I do not get sick, so I can continue to provide good, quality care.”


The highlight of my work day is:

“One of the older patients who had a lot of co-morbidities was able to make a full recovery and was able to come in and he provided us with much needed supplies soon after. “

Misconceptions about COVID-19 and/or your work during this crisis that you’d like to dispel:

“Gargling with warm water or taking hot baths will not prevent you from getting COVID-19.”


Are you afraid of catching COVID-19?:


Advice to everyone:

“Stay at home and only buy what you need.”

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